Board and organisation
The supervisory board of Stichting UvO consists of an independent chairperson and at least five board members who represent various (groups of) publishers. The board meets four times a year and oversees the daily management, functioning, and results of the organisation.
Stichting UvO was founded by the Mediafederatie, which remains closely involved with us. For example, Mr. M. David from the Mediafederatie, serving as our legal advisor and attends all board meetings. Foreign publishers, represented by the International Publishers Rights Organisation (IPRO), also play an important role within UvO. IPRO was established by STM and participates in the buyout schemes concluded by UvO, enabling UvO to collect on behalf of foreign rights holders. All positions within the UvO board are unpaid, except for the chairperson. The other members carry out their supervisory role during their regular working hours, meaning their role is indirectly compensated.
Supervisory board
Mr. S. Bruinsma (chairperson)
- Board Member Stichting Cedar (paid)
- Board Member Stichting KNNV Uitgeverij (unpaid)
- Director SBC (paid)
- Board Member and Treasurer Stichting Krek (unpaid)
- Chairperson of the Interest Group of Former Employees of Koninklijke Brill N.V. (unpaid)
Ms. I. Benjamins
- Publishing Manager Tax and Accounting at Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory Netherlands (paid)
Ms. E. Smit
- Managing Director IPRO (paid)
- Director of Standards and Technology, International Association of STM Publishers (paid)
- Board Member IFRRO (unpaid)
- Director/Shareholder BV In den Gulden Fonteyn (unpaid)
- Board Member IOP Publishing (unpaid)
- Board Member Lucas-Ooms Fund (Secretary) (unpaid)

Mr. B. Aleva
- Financial officer Stichting IPRO, International Publishers Rights Organisation (unpaid)
- Owner Van Aluwae (paid)
- Co-founder/Partner PHIDA, Expertise Center Depression Treatment (paid)
- Co-founder/Partner TopQare, Quality in Nursing Home Care (paid)
- Member Central Clients' Council Zorggroep De Laren (unpaid)

Dhr. A. de Klerk
- Sector Manager Incubators at PUM (www.pum.nl, unpaid)
- Board member and financial officer at UvO (unpaid)
- Board member and financial officer at the Meraki foundation (www.stichtingmeraki.nl, unpaid)

Mw. I. Lip
- Holding Director CFO, Koninklijke Boom Uitgevers
Mr. M. David (legal advisor)
- Senior Advisor IP, Collective Rights & Privacy at the Media Federation
- General Secretary Group General Publishers at the Media Federation
- Board member PLU section of Stichting PRO
- Board member PRO mandate section of Stichting PRO
- Board member Writings section of Stichting Leenrecht
- Board member Royal Association of the Book Trade
- Board member Stichting Market Research Boekenvak
- Board member Stichting BREIN
- Board member Federation of Copyright Interests
- Board member Dr. P.A. Tiele Foundation
- Member Supervisory Board NBD Biblion
- Member Supervisory Board Literature Museum
The daily management of the office of Stichting UvO is in the hands of Mr. B. Pijnacker, Director. Additional roles:
- Director Stichting PRO, Publicatie- en Reproductierechten Organisatie (paid)
- Member of the General Board VOICE (unpaid)
Stichting UvO is a foundation and does not employ staff. The services are provided by Cedar BV, along with six other copyright organizations (Leenrecht, Thuiskopie, Reprorecht, Lira, Vevam, and PRO). Around 10 people from Cedar work for UvO.