Information for other (educational) institutions
Do you provide education and do you use copyrighted material, but are you not an MBO, UAS or university? Then you are legally obliged to properly arrange this (re)use. By this we mean: obtaining permission from rights holders and paying a fair (‘equitable’) fee. Whether you offer a corporate training or are a training institute, Stichting UvO can assist you.
There are three conditions for other (educational) institutions to be assisted by Stichting UvO:
- You meet the education exception ('onderwijsexceptie');
- You use copyrighted material;
- You teach external students (so not just your own staff).
If you meet these conditions, there are two options to arrange the (re)use of copyrighted material:
1. Conclude a buy-out arrangement with UvO
You can pay a fixed amount annually for the use of copyrighted material in your education. Such a buy-out arrangement is particularly interesting if you use a lot of 'short' publications. You buy off the (re)use of this material, which means you are protected from claims from rights holders. The advantage is that you can still be compliant with a minimum of administrative burden. The amount of this buy-out arrangement depends on your actual use and the number of students. Contact us for more information. Virtually all schools and institutions in higher education have proceeded you. Unfortunately, the use of longer (also known as ‘non-short’) publications cannot be purchased in one go. As soon as you plan to use longer excerpts, you can request permission. You can do this quickly and easily online, via our web portal. We can almost always grant you this permission. You will receive an additional invoice after which you will be exempt from claims from rights holders.
2. Individual permission requests
Do you only use publications sporadically (for example no more than a few times a year)? Then it makes sense to submit individual permission requests. You can do this quickly and easily online, via our web portal. And we can (almost) always grant you this permission. Contact us for more information.