What is the annual report of ‘other reuse’?

All universities of applied sciences (HBO) are to create an overview of ‘other reuse’. This contains all the reuse of content that has not been bought off with the Easy Access agreement, PoD fees and/or individual permissions. The annual report mostly concerns longer publications (more than 50 pages / 25% of a work).


This report should include:

- Permission requests for 'non-short' reuse of publications (> 50 pages / 25% of a work)

- Infringing takeovers for which no permission has been requested (Article 5.7).

- Number of pages used

- Circulation (number of students)

- Licenses / contracts publishers (if applicable)



Send the report to Stichting UvO (UvO@cedar.nl) before 1 April each year. The first deadline is 1 April 2022. If necessary, UvO can provide assistance in generating this report.